Part 1 Of 3: Award-Winning Physical Therapy
Part 2 Of 3: [You Are Here] Award-Winning Physical Therapy
Part 3 Of 3: Award-Winning Physical Therapy

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Hi! I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC, the owner, and founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic (AHC).

Today, I’ll cover part 2 of 3 about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy.

This video is for anyone with a Physical Therapy prescription from a chiropractor or general practitioner.

And anybody in an auto accident or work injury who has not seen a physician.

Specifically, today I’ll cover the benefits of Physical Therapy:

1. Mastering Balance: Unveiling the Hidden Power of Proprioception in Your Physical Therapy Journey

2. Unlocking Strength and Endurance: AHC's Unique Approach to Physical Training

3. Unlocking Movement: AHC's Expertise in Range of Motion and Biomechanics

If you’re new here, let me take a moment and introduce myself.

Again, I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC.

I know exactly what you’re going through because I was there once.

In my 20s, when competing as a decathlete in college, 2 weeks before the National Championships, I broke my leg, which was a season-ending injury!

I didn’t want to use the pain meds or be put in a cast. I needed an alternative.

One of my friends recommended I try chiropractic.

And I did!

Shockingly, in just 2 weeks, I didn’t just compete at the National Championships. I did so without pain!

Back then, competing was my life, and if it weren’t for Chiropractic, I would have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

This Experience Is What Drove Me To Become A Chiropractor.

My clinic, Advanced Health Chiropractic™, currently serves hundreds of patients daily and is growing!

And this experience is ultimately why I’m passionate about helping you and others …

… overcome and STOP your pain so you, too, can experience the energy and positive outlook on life you deserve.

Again, I’m going to cover Part 2 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy, including:

1. Mastering Balance: Unveiling the Hidden Power of Proprioception in Your Physical Therapy Journey

2. Unlocking Strength and Endurance: AHC's Unique Approach to Physical Training

3. Unlocking Movement: AHC's Expertise in Range of Motion and Biomechanics

All right, let’s start with...

1. Mastering Balance: Unveiling the Hidden Power of Proprioception in Your Physical Therapy Journey

Remember our last video? We delved into proprioception, those stealthy nerve fibers working behind the scenes.

Now, let's explore why they're crucial and how we're advancing your health.

So, here's the scoop ...

Proprioception acts like your body's behind-the-scenes crew, quietly keeping you balanced without stealing the limelight.

These fibers, spread across your joints, are the unsung heroes of your nervous system.

Now, the key is not just knowing these fibers exist.

It's about having the right tools to elevate your proprioception game and maintain that balance.

The good news is that our physicians understand the game plan and have access to top-notch equipment.

You might be wondering, what sets us apart from other chiropractors? It's not just about having the gear ...

... it's about how we use it!

We've got this comprehensive Physical Training Center that's like a superhero for various conditions.

Let me share a success story – a soccer player sprained her ankle repeatedly.

Sure, she had strength, but something was amiss.

It wasn't smooth sailing when she closed her eyes during balance exercises.

Our team crafted a personalized plan and integrated some advanced devices, and guess what? Months later, no more ankle sprains.

Now, let's get serious– are you grappling with unexplained issues like chronic ankle twists or persistent neck pains?

It could be linked to your proprioception.

Our Physical Training Center is your go-to for all things balance!

If you're tired of stumbling or dealing with mysterious aches, our PT resources and expertise are here to make a difference in your journey to Advanced Health genuinely.

Let's tackle those balance issues and get you back to the activities you love.

2. Unlocking Strength and Endurance: AHC's Unique Approach to Physical Training

Let's talk about another fantastic resource at Advanced Health Chiropractic – our powerhouse Physical Training Center.

It's not just your usual treadmill or elliptical trainer; we're taking it up a notch.

This is Advanced Health!

We're talking about strength and endurance, not just for your whole body but tailored to every joint, big or small – knees, ankles, toes, fingers, you name it.

So, why do we make a big deal about this in our Physical Training Center? It's all about being comprehensive.

See, when folks walk in with those nagging chronic injuries, sure, we can give them the adjustments they need. Ankle, wrist, back – we've got you covered, and you'll feel much better.

But here's the kicker: sometimes people return more than expected.

That's when we dig a bit deeper with a Physical Therapy Evaluation. And you know what we often find?

The endurance and strength across those joints aren't up to snuff, making those adjustments short-lived.

Now, we get it; past injuries can haunt you.

They may have left your joints rusty in the strength and endurance department.

But fear not!

That's where our specialized equipment and physical therapy sessions kick in. We work on those joints, build endurance, and ensure your adjustments stick around longer.

So, here's the real talk – are past injuries still causing you trouble?

Do you feel like you're not bouncing back as quickly as you should?

Our strength and endurance program might be the game-changer you're looking for.

Let's break free from the cycle of chronic injuries and set you on a path to lasting strength and resilience.

3. Unlocking Movement: AHC's Expertise in Range of Motion and Biomechanics

Let's spotlight the third powerhouse in Advanced Health Chiropractic’s Physical Therapy Center – the world of Range of Motion and Biomechanics.

It's not just about having fancy equipment ...

... it's about our physicians and assistants getting down to business with regular training and classes dedicated to mastering techniques that boost your range of motion.

Let's dive into a real-life example:

A lady in her mid-late sixties, a national-class power athlete. She was strong as an ox, but she kept dealing with chronic lumbar sprains and strains.

She had her fair share of adjustments, and things improved, but those strains and sprains had a knack for coming back.

Enter the game-changer ...

... A thorough evaluation of her lower back's range of motion.

She couldn't entirely extend it as needed for her power lifts.

Fast forward about six weeks with our skilled team taking her through targeted physical therapy focusing on range of motion and boom – no more sprains and strains.

Now, here's the kicker – not only did her back issues vanish, but her strength soared.


By keeping her safe and preventing that pesky injury cycle from repeating.

So, let's get real for a moment – are you dealing with those mystery sprains and strains that just won't quit?

It could be a sign of a deficiency in strength, endurance, or range of motion.

Our expert team assesses, addresses, and propels you towards a pain-free life!

Say goodbye to those nagging issues, and let's pave the way for a more robust, more flexible you.

Today, I’ve covered Part 2 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy, including:

1. Mastering Balance: Unveiling the Hidden Power of Proprioception in Your Physical Therapy Journey

2. Unlocking Strength and Endurance: AHC's Unique Approach to Physical Training

3. Unlocking Movement: AHC's Expertise in Range of Motion and Biomechanics

What was your BIGGEST takeaway from this week’s video? Please scroll down and let me know in the comment section below!

Now that you understand how our Physical Therapy can positively impact your health …

… I invite you to request an Advanced Health Assessment by clicking HERE to experience life without pain.

And discover my Stop Pain Now Formula™ …

… which helps thousands of patients escape pain by watching my Free Stop Pain Video by clicking HERE.

Dedicated to stopping pain now so you can experience Advanced Health,

Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC
Dr. Kevin Plummer DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC is the Founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic™ and one of the most accomplished Chiropractors in Oregon. His practice has been recognized for their world class service with various awards, with the most recent being, the Best Chiropractor in Eugene Award for 2022. Dr. Plummer DC became a Chiropractor to help people, like you, in pain … STOP your pain!