Part 1 Of 3: [You Are Here] Award-Winning Physical Therapy
Part 2 Of 3: Award-Winning Physical Therapy
Part 3 Of 3: Award-Winning Physical Therapy

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Hi! I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC, the owner, and founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic (AHC).

Today I’ll cover part 1 of 3 about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy.

This video is for anyone with a Physical Therapy prescription from a chiropractor or general practitioner.

And anybody in an auto accident or work injury that has not seen a physician.

Specifically, today I’ll cover the benefits of Physical Therapy:

  1. The Healing Secret: How Physical Therapy Minimizes Scar Tissue for Better Recovery
  2. Unlocking Movement Potential: How Physical Therapy Enhances Range of Motion
  3. Building Balance and Strength: The Transformative Effects of Physical Therapy
    If you’re new here, let me take a moment and introduce myself.

If you’re new here, let me take a moment and introduce myself. Again, I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC.

I know exactly what you’re going through because I was there once.

In my 20’s, when competing as a decathlete in college, 2 weeks before the National Championships, I broke my leg, which was a season-ending injury!

I didn’t want to use the pain meds or be put in a cast. I needed an alternative.

One of my friends recommended I try chiropractic.

And I did!

Shockingly, in just 2 weeks, I didn’t just compete at the National Championships. I did so without pain!

Back then, competing was my life, and if it weren’t for Chiropractic, I would have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

This Experience Is What Drove Me To Become A Chiropractor.

Currently, my clinic Advanced Health Chiropractic™ serves hundreds of patients a day and growing!

And this experience is ultimately why I’m passionate about helping you and others …

… overcome and STOP your pain so you, too, can experience the energy and positive outlook on life you deserve.

Again, I’m going to cover Part 1 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy, including:

  1. The Healing Secret: How Physical Therapy Minimizes Scar Tissue for Better Recovery
  2. Unlocking Movement Potential: How Physical Therapy Enhances Range of Motion
  3. Building Balance and Strength: The Transformative Effects of Physical Therapy

All right …

1. The Healing Secret: How Physical Therapy Minimizes Scar Tissue for Better Recovery

Reducing scar tissue is important because it causes long-term biomechanical discrepancies or arthritis.

Scar tissue reduces health and vitality!

Physical therapy reduces scar tissue, improving muscle and joint function and recovery times.

We’ve had patients visit the clinic after they had nagging injuries for 2 years or more. They couldn’t stand it anymore, so they came in.

We often discover that their scar tissue didn’t undergo adequate rehabilitation, so the healing process didn’t happen as expected.

This is where we use some intensive Physical Therapy to reorient the scar tissue.

If you don’t receive the right kind of Physical Therapy, the injury can grow chronic and affect your quality of life!

Have you had your chronic injuries evaluated for scar tissue?

2. Unlocking Movement Potential: How Physical Therapy Enhances Range of Motion

This is important because treating your strength, endurance, and range of motion will improve your quality of life, capacity to move, and overall health and vitality.

It’s our mission to improve your health and vitality!

For instance, as a preferred provider for the Veterans Association, AHC has provided care to many vets who have longstanding injuries, so they come in with their quality of life dramatically reduced.

Time and time again, after administering our award-winning Physical Therapy, we’ve dramatically improved these veterans’ health, vitality, and overall quality of life.

How have your injuries affected your health and vitality?

3. Building Balance and Strength: The Transformative Effects of Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy improves balance and proprioception, which is vital to movement. I’m a track athlete, so I love talking about this stuff!

A question I get a lot is what is proprioception? Proprioception has to do with spatial awareness that doesn’t use your eyes.

For example, if you stand and look forward, your eyes can see your horizon, and you can tell if you’re out of balance.

Close your eyes.

Why don’t you fall over?

Is it because you have nerve fibers in your ankles, knees, hips, and neck?

That’s right! These nerve fibers fire throughout your body.

They send signals to your brain to tell you where you are spatially based on your body’s feelings. And this skill is called proprioception.

It’s your spatial awareness.

Proprioception goes hand in hand with improving balance.

You’re improving and retraining your nerves when you experience trauma besides your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

There’s also trauma to the nerves: small little nerves, little proprioceptive fibers.

For Physical Therapy to be valuable, it must improve what you do daily.

It has to be able to improve how you sit, how you stand, how you run, how you move.

This is all called ergonomics and biomechanics.

So, on the one hand, Physical Therapy addresses recovery and endurance, as we alluded to earlier. But on the other hand, it also re-trains your body in how to move.

How to do what it does!

For instance, we’ve had patients who have gotten away from their sport or activities that they loved because they reinjured themselves every time they returned to the sport or activity.

Our highly trained chiropractic physicians analyze their movement patterns, biomechanics, and ergonomics.

Then they can analyze and correct movement patterns leading to re-injury.

We’ve helped many athletes and active people return to their sport or activity while strengthening their bodies!

Do you know why your injuries keep returning (Hint: It’s not because you’re old)?

Today, I’ve covered Part 1 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Physical Therapy, including:

  1. The Healing Secret: How Physical Therapy Minimizes Scar Tissue for Better Recovery
  2. Unlocking Movement Potential: How Physical Therapy Enhances Range of Motion
  3. Building Balance and Strength: The Transformative Effects of Physical Therapy

What was your BIGGEST takeaway from this week’s video? Please scroll down and let me know in the comment section below!

Now that you understand how our Physical Therapy can positively impact your health …

… I invite you to request an Advanced Health Assessment by clicking HERE to experience life without pain.

And discover my Stop Pain Now Formula™ …

… which helps thousands of patients escape pain by watching my Free Stop Pain Video by clicking HERE.

Dedicated to stopping pain now so you can experience Advanced Health,

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC
Dr. Kevin Plummer DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC is the Founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic™ and one of the most accomplished Chiropractors in Oregon. His practice has been recognized for their world class service with various awards, with the most recent being, the Best Chiropractor in Eugene Award for 2022. Dr. Plummer DC became a Chiropractor to help people, like you, in pain … STOP your pain!