Part 1 Of 3: Award-Winning Massage Care

Part 2 Of 3: Award-Winning Massage Care

Part 3 Of 3: [You Are Here] Award-Winning Massage Care

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Hi! I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC, the owner and founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic (AHC).

Today we will discuss part 3 of 3 about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Massage Care.

Click HERE if you missed Part 1 …

… and HERE if you missed Part 2.

Specifically, today I’ll cover:

1. Comfort and Care: Our Promise to You When You Visit the Clinic For Massage

2. Expert Touch: How Our Chiropractic Assistants Administer Your Massage Treatment

3. Your Progress Matters: The Importance of a Follow-Up Visit

If you’re new here, let me take a moment and introduce myself.

Again, I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC.

I know exactly what you’re going through because I was there once.

In my 20’s, when competing as a decathlete in college, 2 weeks before the National Championships, I broke my leg, which was a season-ending injury!

I didn’t want to use the pain meds or be put in a cast. I needed an alternative.

One of my friends recommended I try chiropractic.

And I did!

Shockingly, in just 2 weeks, I didn’t just compete at the National Championships. I did so without pain!

Back then, competing was my life, and if it weren’t for Chiropractic, I would have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.  

This Experience Is What Drove Me To Become A Chiropractor.

Currently, my clinic Advanced Health Chiropractic™ serves hundreds of patients a day and growing!

And this experience is ultimately why I’m passionate about helping you and others …

… overcome and STOP your pain so you, too, can experience the energy and positive outlook on life you deserve.

All right …

Today, I’m going to cover Part 3 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Massage Care, including:

1. Comfort and Care: Our Promise to You When You Visit the Clinic For Massage

2. Expert Touch: How Our Chiropractic Assistants Administer Your Massage Treatment

3. Your Progress Matters: The Importance of a Follow-Up Visit

1. Comfort and Care: Our Promise to You When You Visit the Clinic For Massage

Many people have a bit of anxiety when they first schedule their massage, so let’s walk you through your first massage visit.

If you’re a new patient, what I share will make you more comfortable.

When you arrive at the clinic, there’s some new patient paperwork, which we’ve kept as minimal as possible because no one loves paperwork.

There are some requirements we’ll need, such as your insurance information.

On your first visit, you’ll arrive and see the chiropractor first. They’ll go through the Advanced Health Assessment.

You’ll provide them with the history of your current and past injuries. Very important.

And then, your chiropractor will get a good idea of what massage is appropriate, for example, depth of massage and areas of the body massage.

We also want to know your previous massage experience, whether you’ve had it or not.

But if you’ve had a massage at other places and it worked well, what contributed to that positive experience?

So, we’ll have that part of the evaluation. You may or may not get an adjustment before the massage. There are different preferences.

Most times, you’ll have your adjustment after the massage.

There are different philosophies surrounding this.

The philosophy we generally go by is that you’re more relaxed after a massage, so adjustments are easier for the Chiropractor and feel easier for the patient.

Also, you’re more relaxed!

And if you still need to, perhaps haven’t had an adjustment before, being more relaxed helps the Advanced Health Assessment process go faster.

You might have a short wait in the lobby.

Your massage chart may be seamless.

AHC’s policy is that you wait less than four minutes.

So, there’s no waiting in the lobby.

It’s part of our culture that we know you’re here and for how long you’ve been waiting.

Recently, a patient told me they felt listened to much more than the other massage place they visited.

They liked that their Chiropractor asked many questions and genuinely wanted to understand their health concerns.

This isn’t just a regular massage!

We aim to achieve a goal with a massage above and beyond feeling good.

We want you to feel better!

Understand the difference?

So many of our patients stopped going to other massage places because they didn’t want to feel like they were being put through a meat wagon.

In other words, you don’t want to feel like you’re just another number in the crowd.

Here at AHC, you’re seen more.

Here at AHC, you’re listened to more and feel better, so you’ll keep returning!

When’s the last time you went to a medical professional, and the entire experience …

… from when you arrived and checked in to after you left …

… you felt and knew that the team there had your Advanced Health in mind?

2. Expert Touch: How Our Chiropractic Assistants Administer Your Massage Treatment

So, there’ll be a short conversation between the Chiropractor and the Chiropractic Assistant (CA) about what is required for massage to ensure the patient is comfortable.

Then you get an hour’s massage.

Now our massage includes room time.

So, you’ll get 3.5 to 4.5 minutes to prepare yourself for the massage, and the CA will come in and ask a few confirmation questions.

At this point, the massage will last long enough that you can get dressed afterward, just in time to return to the chiropractor and get your adjustment.

Your chiropractor will take the time to ask you what worked and what didn’t.

And then, from there, on the way out, you’ll reschedule.

Another patient gave me some great feedback. They said our massages weren’t “cookie-cutter” massages!

We have a specific flow, a particular style, if you will. 

A style based on what we feel best serves you, the patient!

Ultimately, we don’t give the same massage once.

Each time a massage is administered, it’s based on how you feel that day.

We can accommodate you in real-time.

For instance, you may have worked hard this week, and too much pressure hurts. We’ll make that modification right then and there to your treatment.

That’s why I say it won’t be the same massage twice!

Not only do we get repeat visits from patients, but the same patients give us plenty of referrals because we listen to their needs in real-time.

Do you want a physician-directed Massage treatment explicitly personalized to your body’s needs that day?

3. Your Progress Matters: The Importance of a Follow-Up Visit

We always encourage our patients, virtually all of them, to schedule in advance inside the recommended Advanced Health Treatment Plan because we are a famous clinic.

And so, we want to ensure you get on the calendar as fast as possible because we book up, sometimes 3 months out.

We’ll get your next Massage scheduled.

We want to get you on the schedule anywhere we can and book you out for at least the next 3 weeks or further.

If your schedule allows, we can lock you into our calendar to ensure we can accommodate your schedule as best as possible.

With each follow-up visit, we always ask questions to determine your progress.

How was your progress last week and this week?

We might use neck disability or low back disability questionnaires to ensure we get all the pertinent details regarding your health.

In addition, we keep you accountable for your Advance Health Treatment Plan.

Let’s say you could have made the appointment you called and canceled.

Unlike a massage parlor, we don’t see that as just a missed “appointment.”

This is a missed “opportunity” in your Advanced Health Treatment Plan.

We understand the value for you in maintaining consistency in your treatment …

… so we have a whole team dedicated to following up and ensuring you get back on schedule.

It’s our big priority to assist you in ensuring you stay consistent on your Advanced Health Treatment Plan because long-lasting progress comes from more than one massage.

No one gets in shape by going to the gym once.

This works the same way!

You have to keep consistent with your Advanced Health Treatment Plan.

And we’ll help you stay accountable!

How long has it been since you’ve had an accountability team on your side?

Today, I’ve covered Part 3 of 3 parts about how AHC administers our Award-Winning Massage Care, including:

1. Comfort and Care: Our Promise to You When You Visit the Clinic For Massage

2. Expert Touch: How Our Chiropractic Assistants Administer Your Massage Treatment

3. Your Progress Matters: The Importance of a Follow-Up Visit

This concludes our Award-Winning Massage Care series.

Now that you understand how our massages can positively impact your health …

… I invite you to request an Advanced Health Assessment by clicking HERE to experience life without pain.

And discover my Stop Pain Now Formula™ …

… which helps thousands of patients escape pain by watching my Free Stop Pain Video by clicking HERE.

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC
Dr. Kevin Plummer DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC is the Founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic™ and one of the most accomplished Chiropractors in Oregon. His practice has been recognized for their world class service with various awards, with the most recent being, the Best Chiropractor in Eugene Award for 2022. Dr. Plummer DC became a Chiropractor to help people, like you, in pain … STOP your pain!