1. Click HERE to watch my FREE Stop Pain Now Video!
  2. Click HERE to schedule your FREE Advanced Health Assessment ($210 Value)


Hi, I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer DC, Owner and Founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic. 

Today we’re going to discuss part 2 of 3: How Advanced Health Chiropractic administers our award-winning chiropractic care. 

Specifically, what we treat when a patient first comes into our clinic. Now, before I continue, if you missed Part 1, click HERE to catch up. 

We’re going to discuss the 3 treatment protocols that A.H.C. uses: 

Adjustments, Massage, and Physical Therapy. 

If you’re new here, let me take a moment and introduce myself. Again, I’m Dr. Kevin Plummer, DC. I know what you’re going through because I was there once.

In my twenties, when I was competing as a decathlete in college. Two weeks before the National Championships …

… I broke my leg, which was a season-ending injury …

… or at least I thought.

I didn’t want to use the pain meds or be put in a cast. 

I needed an alternative.

One of my closest friends recommended I try a Chiropractor. 

So, I did.

In two short weeks, I competed at the National Championships, and I did so without pain. Back then, competing was my life,  and if it weren’t for Chiropractic, I would’ve missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime. 

This experience drove me to become a Chiropractor.

At Advanced Health Chiropractic we serve hundreds of patients a day and are still growing. 

My personal experience is what inspires me to help others. I have a passion for helping people overcome and stop pain.

So you, too, can experience the energy and have a positive outlook on the life you deserve. 

To recap, we’re going to discuss the three treatment protocols that an AHC uses:

Adjustments, Massage, and Physical Therapy.

Daily, we’re asked why are Adjustments necessary? This is important to know because …

… the first primary treatment protocol is Adjustments.

Our physician identifies and treats joint restrictions throughout the entire spine and extremities.
For a joint to heal, it must be able to move. 

You need an Adjustment because joints need to move to keep the ligaments and cartilage healthy. It’s the movement that drives nutrients into them.

Due to past trauma …

… current trauma …

… stress …

… and more importantly, our modern sedentary lives …

… joints get stuck!

Our Chiropractors have the skills necessary to find joint restrictions, eliciting movement into them.

How long has it been since you’ve had your spine and extremities were Adjusted?

The second primary treatment protocol for A.H.C. is Massage.

This is essential because Massage helps muscles relax to ease the Chiropractic Adjustments. 

Massages will reduce knots and trigger points in current injuries. They also reduce scar tissue from previous trauma.

Many patients felt that Chiropractic Adjustments didn’t work with other doctors. Once they’ve had a Massage before getting adjusted, our clients could immediately feel the results!

How effective have your previous adjustments been for you? 

The third protocol for A.H.C. used to treat patients is Physical Therapy.

This is important because sometimes Chiropractic Massage doesn’t work as well as intended.

Muscle imbalances and inflexibilities need attention as well. 

Due to our busy lives and history of injuries, our body develops muscle imbalances. 

For example, some muscles are tighter than others, preventing the joints from moving like they need to. 

Our physicians at Advanced Health Chiropractic are experts at identifying these imbalances and prescribing the perfect exercises to recover your body. 

When was the last time you got evaluated?

And prescribed specific exercises for your health?

Now is a great time to schedule your Free Advanced Health Assessment, Click HERE!

To recap, we’ve discussing the 3 treatment protocols A.H.C. uses:

Adjustments, Massage, and Physical Therapy. 

Now that you understand the value of getting treatments …

… I want to invite you to request an Advanced Health Assessment so, you can experience life without pain. 

Tune in next week for part 3 of this 3-part series.

I’ll discuss how we recommend lifestyle choices for our patients.

In the meantime …

… discover my Stop Pain Now Formula, Click HERE!

We’ve helped thousands of patients escape pain! Get started by watching my FREE Stop Pain Video. 

Thank you,

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC.

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC
Dr. Kevin Plummer DC

Dr. Kevin Plummer DC is the Founder of Advanced Health Chiropractic™ and one of the most accomplished Chiropractors in Oregon. His practice has been recognized for their world class service with various awards, with the most recent being, the Best Chiropractor in Eugene Award for 2022. Dr. Plummer DC became a Chiropractor to help people, like you, in pain … STOP your pain!